
What is your embarrassing NBA fan moment?




13 years old

sitting near the floor by the tunnels at the forum circa 2009

We suck. We suck so mch. The team is so bad. Went 24-58 that season. We have young Mike Conley, Marc Gasol, Rudy Gay, Kyle Lowry, but we still suck




be 13 and mad at this sucking and not knowing how to deal with these feelings (not to mention other unrelated feelings)

game is a rout, we are down something like 15 (don't remember who, maybe Dallas?)



decide my time to spur my team to victory has come

stoppage of play happens at frustrating moment

decide to stand up and scream "SCORE SOMETHING!!!!" at the top of my lungs

that'll help





one of those weird moments where everything was quiet for a second, attendance is terrible anyway

my scream echoes across the fedex forum like a cactus rustling in the desert wind



Mike Conley deadass stops what he is doing for a split second and looks at me like i have just thrown shit onto the court in front of him

Grizz Girls who were standing in the tunnel literally start laughing and applauding me

family doesn't say anything

i'm sorry Mike





[–][DAL] Dirk NowitzkiSharpedd 939 指標 8小時前

i have a KG nets jersey


[–]CelticsThantos1 269 指標 7小時前

God that's way more embarrassing than the story


[–]Celticsasdfasfhsdfgh 77 指標 5小時前

Someone out there has the Paul Pierce, Kevin Garnett, Joe Johnson, Deron Williams collection of Nets jerseys.


[–]Pistonsthrowaway_5256 67 指標 6小時前

I recently learned that my brother has two Josh Smith Detroit jerseys if that makes you feel better


[–]Lakershahagamer7 95 指標 6小時前*


I was wearing a golden state jersey shirt at the mosque while eating ice cream. A super religious lookin dude was handing out flyers. He spotted me and yelled from far "Hey!" he said. I looked at gim. "Dont choke on that ice cream like your team choked!" He finished his sentenced. There was nothing I could reply with.

This was a month after 2016 finals (the one where GS choked)





[–]EricHangingOut 1127 指標 8小時前

I'm a sophomore in college. My roommate sets up some bullshit website and asks me to come up with a few articles about the Nuggets. I throw some random shit together and he publishes them. This is Fall of 2004, so relatively early days of the internet and fan interest, particularly Denver, wasn't exactly booming.


My roommate's shitty website is enough to get us Denver Nuggets media passes. So we drive down from Boulder, sit in the media box, and watch second-year LeBron put a fucking whooping on Melo and the Nugs. Just looked up the box score, 92-73 Cavs.


So, we go into the locker room after the game and my roommate hands me a tape recorder that I don't even know how to use. I'm looking around and figure I should ask someone a question. I remember DerMarr Johnson wearing a huge fur coat that looked like it was made out of skunks.


I see Andre Miller in a towel, standing alone by his locker. He looks pretty pissed about the game. I walk over to him and ask if I can ask him some questions. He looks at me like what the fuck is this dipshit doing in here, but he was cool and says fine.


I turn on my tape recorder and realize I have fucking nothing to ask him. So, I stare at him blankly until I just blurt out, "you guys lost by a lot." And he was like, "yeah." And all I could think of saying was, "Is it harder to lose by a lot than if the game was close?" And he just shook his head and said, "losing is losing. It sucks." I nodded and walked away.


I then saw LeBron in the tunnel. He was surrounded by about 20 reporters, so I walked right up and stuck my tape recorder in his face. I didn't have the balls to ask him if it was cooler to win by a lot than a little.


I then went back to Boulder and probably got shit-faced. I don't think I could come up with anything to write and the Nuggets pulled our media passes a couple weeks later.


[–]Lakersape_cage 440 指標 7小時前

this is so fucking funny lmao


[–]EricHangingOut 143 指標 6小時前

Thanks! And in case anyone is interested, one of the articles I wrote was about how the Nuggets were big winners in free agency by signing K-mart to a huge, seven-year deal. I remember comparing it to the Mehmet Okur signing by the Jazz and referring to him as the "Turkish Mr. Big" (from Sex and the City). I was pretty stoked on that gem.

层主:谢谢捧场!如果有人感兴趣的话,我可以告诉你们我写的其中一篇文章是有关掘金运作的,说掘金靠着与肯扬-马丁签下的7年大合同成为了自由市场上的大赢家。我记得文章里把这笔操作和爵士签约梅米特-奥库进行了比较,还把奥库称作“土耳其的Mr. Big”(《欲望都市》中的人物)。我当时真的很喜欢马丁这笔签约。

[–]MetalHead310 233 指標 8小時前

Another one...snuck up to behind the Lakers bench in garbage time. I hated Greg Foster because he was a Jazz player who was now on my beloved Lakers.

I yelled "You suck Greg Foster! Go back to the Jazz!" from five feet away during a timeout so the entire Lakers team heard it.



He immediately and sternly responded, "Then I'll come back and fuck you guys up every year".....I was in shock and speechless. It was awesome


[–]LakersYoonInPace 147 指標 7小時前

I've always had a deep connection with Trevor Ariza in my own crazy world - just like any other delusional fan thinking they have this deep two-way personal connection to someone they're a fan of. It was a preseason game Knicks @ Wizards ('13 or '14), sat courtside. He went to shoot around at halftime, so I thought, okay, this is TREVOR FUCKING ARIZA who used to play for the Lakers.


So, I got up & yelled his name until I got his attention: "Trevor! Trevor! Trevorrr! Trevorrrrrr! Trevorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!"

He looks at me with his "wtf?" face 

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